Why are we Indians ruining Science?

Science in India - doomed to obscurity. Last month, I published a blog post - " Science in India - Doomed to Obscurity? ". I discussed how Science often gets a beating as a career option - because students originally interested in science are externally veered to other more lucrative options. I ended the post with an emphatic " Yes, I am happy I am pursuing a career in Science ". A month later, I find the " ? " at the end of the last post changed to a " . ". This is not a complete retraction of my feelings, I am still happy choosing Science because it is an enormously fulfilling profession. I am, though, very concerned , about the state of Science in India. What happened? The Hindu published the article: " Fake journals: 'Make in India' gone wrong " The article investigates the role of India in polluting the current scene of Science. It reports that as much as 27% of fake journal publishers are based in In...