3 more thoughts to take forward from the Corona Crisis to the Climate Crisis

This post is in continuation to my previous post. ←Back to Page 1 --- COVID-19 has shaken all of us. And while many of us want to help, we may find ourselves locked down and isolated. Let's try to channelize the isolation to make constructive observations regarding how we deal with crises. This is an important exercise and the corona crisis could teach us important ways to think about the climate crisis. 4 Think global, act local There are some universal aspects to the corona crisis -- such as how the virus is transmitted and how it operates within the body. There are some regional aspects to the pandemic -- such as how the people of a specific demography develop immunity to it, how aware a community is regarding diseases and pandemics and how the local healthcare system is equipped to deal with the outbreak. Like the corona crisis, the climate crisis has some universal aspects -- such as rising global temperatures and more extreme weather events. Some aspects ...