How do you learn about climate change?

Why isn't more being done to solve the climate crisis? Part of the answer lies in ignorance. Yes, everyone agrees, climate change is a problem. But when one asks, how much of a problem? ─ for this is what would determine how much effort we're willing to put into solving it ─ the consensus fades away. The ignorance is problematic on another front too. Yes, we must focus on climate change. But when one asks, when? ─ for this is what would determine the urgency with which we approach the solutions ─ there are few answers to be found. The easy answer is "Eventually" ─ but that is not good enough.

Your opinions are based on your knowledge. So let's explore a more fundamental question - How do you learn about climate change?

This is a question all of us would do well to ask ourselves. If a climate scientist discovered something about the climate crisis, would I even hear about it? If yes, how?

I imagine there are three ways one may learn about the climate crisis. You may know a climate scientist and hence, get to hear about updates directly from them. You may read articles by them or attend lectures or classes delivered by them. I call this direct contact, and I personally prefer this the most. Another alternative is reading about their work through news/science media. Lastly, you may learn about facts because your Government has implemented policies or laws in alignment with their findings.

So I ask the reader:
  1. Do you directly follow the work or views of any climate scientist?
  2. Do you subscribe to any media that regularly delivers informed and accurate content regarding the climate crisis?
  3. Do you follow any policies or laws implemented by your Govt that concern the climate crisis?
Simply put, how do you learn about the climate crisis?

Towards better information

Whatever be your source, it doesn't hurt to ask two questions:
  1. Is my source qualified to talk about climate change?
  2. Is my source unbiased?
This is particularly important to cut out the misinformation and improve the signal / noise ratio in the climate conversation.

I leave the reader with a few suggestions exhortations:


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