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Note: I am not a dendroclimatologist. I was just trying to be cool.


Climate Change (go here )



On Darwin's Lost World: Part I | Part II

StratigraphyThe Geological Time Scale - an introduction | The new 'Meghalayan Age' of Earth's History | The new Holocene Ages

The Rise of Humans: Where did we come from? Part I | Part II | Part III


Academia and Science

Research in India: 10 things research should NOT be aboutClassic Indian Reactions to "Research" | Why Are We Indians Ruining Science | Science in India - Doomed to Obscurity ? | Predatory journals: academic toxins

Pseudo-Science: Dwarka: The Lost City

Predatory journals: Why are we Indians ruining Science? | Predatory journals: academic toxins | On predatory journals, and the need for academic honesty in public conversations

Requests to academicsOn predatory journals, and the need for academic honesty in public conversations | Public discussions in the time of crises

Suggestions for studentsOn summer internship applications | Why not to not choose Earth Sciences | Why choose Earth Sciences

Clicked in New York, 2017


A Visit to Illinois: America, One Month Old | O Chicago, where do I begin? :) | O Chicago, you deserve another try | O Chicago, that was a tough goodbye

A Lifetime in Goa pictures

Menstrual Hygiene: Let's Solve This Bloody Problem

Liberal values: America, One Month Old

Book review: The Lost World

Birthday thoughts


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