NYC (2017): Day 3

Day 2

After 2 days of waking up at 4 and twiddling my thumbs till everyone else wakes up, I decided to go for a morning walk by myself. Should have done it right from the first day!

My first stop was the Washington Square Park, which had these nice chess tables (because it's close to NYU..?)

And this magnificent Washington Arch, which the NYC erected on the 100th anniversary of the Presidency of George Washington.

The area around is peppered with some buildings of the New York University (it doesn't have a walled campus), and this is their library:

After that, I mostly roamed around Soho, mesmerized by the beauty of its day-to-day existence.


We decided to go shopping in the afternoon (a prime task of at least the first few days was to set up my brother's apartment) and once again, went completely berserk in Bed, Bath & Beyond. [A sales lady actually offered us a 20%-off coupon when we told her we've shifted to a new place. Unbelievably nice!]

Some clicks from the way:


Met a friend from back home in the evening. Here are Guchu and I chitchatting on the fire escape outside, pretending just for a moment that we're not completely blown away by the glittering skyscraper behind us.

I knew you were fun, but now I also know you're nice. Thanks for dropping by. ^_^


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